Spiritually-Integrated Psychotherapy

Russell and Jeanine are professionally trained in integrating psychotherapy and spirituality. Russell is an ordained minister and has a Doctorate in Theology from Columbia Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. He directs the Residency in Psychotherapy and Spirituality for the Wake Forest Baptist healthcare system. Jeanine has done extensive theological training and works as a therapist, spiritual director, and Enneagram teacher. They both share in common an integration of:

· the insights and practices of psychology,

· the insights and practices of diverse spiritual perspectives, and

· the unique strengths, needs, and points of view of each client.

A hallmark of spiritually-integrated therapy is its respect for the religious or spiritual orientation of the client. We do not impose our own religious beliefs on others but help others explore and use the spirituality that is theirs. Everyone is different. We have different body shapes and sizes, different colored eyes, different ways of thinking, different tastes in food, clothes, and music. Everyone is different spiritually, too. So the way people connect with God is going to be different. Some people connect in traditional religious ways: through Scripture, prayer, or participation in a faith community. Others connect through nature, music, dance, reading, walking, or acts of service. Some are comfortable with words like “God,” while others are not. What’s important is not the way you connect, but that you connect, because your spiritual life is an important part of your well-being and healing.